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Watch a brief overview of ElectraTherm ORC Technology:
Click Here to Learn more about Organic Rankine Cycle basics
ElectraTherm Company Presentation
Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) Power Systems from ElectraTherm allow you to utilize low-grade heat sources to produce electrical power to reduce power costs, recover investment, and improve emission and environmental performance. Utilizing waste heat to produce power reduces emissions from sites with existing combustion sources, which can lower permitting costs.
Stationary Engines and other cooling applications-AC800 Active Cooler Replace your OE Radiator to eliminate parasitic cooling load
ElectraTherm’s Power+ Generator™ Can Replace the OEM Radiator or Cooler.
Active Cooler brochure: Click Here
Biomass: Produce power from biomass-fueled boiler in a multitude of applications
Watch video about biomass installation in Quincy CA: Click Here
Biomass Brochure: Click Here
Geothermal: Convert your low-temperature geothermal heat (below 212F) to power
Watch video about low-temperature geothermal application: Click Here
Geothermal Brochure: Click here
Methane Optimization (Flaring, Landfills and Biogas): In facilities producing methane and biogas, ORC systems can reduce or eliminate flaring while providing power for the location
Watch video about generating power while eliminating flaring: Click Here
Biogas brochure: Click Here
Waste Heat: Produce power from industrial waste heat sources in a variety of facilities and industries
Watch video about generating power from industrial waste heat: Click Here
Waste Heat brochure: Click Here
ElectraTherm offers modules in two different sizes with both basic and high temperature versions. Multiple modules can be utilized in parallel to provide an optimized solution for each application. Click on the links below to see a spec sheets for each option
SS-6500B+ High Temp up to 150 kWe